KILD TV Memories

KILD TV Memories

Sorry for the minimal posts these last few months! My con schedule became quite busy with SabotenCon in Phoenix, Arizona, and MCM Glasgow Comic Con in Scotland… Oh, and landing a fun lead role in “KILD TV!

This was one of those unusual acting career moments when a person I met on a film set says they’d like to get me in one of their own projects and then they actually follow through and cast me! Of course, it took being on a film set in Houston to have such an unusual thing occur.

Last month I relocated to Houston for three weeks to play Milton, a throwback horror show host on a local TV station, who gets trapped inside the station during his live broadcast while members of his crew are murdered… It’s a horror/thriller/ensemble film due out sometime next year.

Now this is where I’d jump off into a long post about everyone and how the scenario allowed a group of lovely actors & crew to hang together for several weeks and bond. But, instead, I’ll just link you to the IMDBb page so you can read up on all the excellent actors in this genre film. That way I can get right to sharing my collage of vines, videos and pics from the shoot!
