Voice Over: Promos, Trailers & Social Media Sizzle

VOICE OVER: TV / Movie / Corporate / Youtube Promo Trailers

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voice over pageThere are seven guys who do 90% of all movie trailers and TV promos – I’m number eight. I do have plans to make one of them “disappear” so I can take their place. Until then, I’ll continue to voice my share of that other 10% – including promos for HBO, Showtime, CBS, ABC, NBC and…
(sigh) a myriad of those YouTube channels (BellyButton TV: Lint Worth Picking At). If you need that rumble-honey movie trailer guy for your project, one man, against all odds, is here to get his revenge! Or, uh, record your project.

Mimicking a trailer VO while on a date is sexy only in your mind.