Total Wireless, Total Voiceover

Total Wireless, Total Voiceover

I love The Martin Agency.

The most entertaining voice over auditions come through them because their creative teams rock. The last two campaigns I actually booked through them are some of the funniest commercials I have on my National Campaign Playlist. Just have a little looksey at the Experian spots I did with Tom Kenny where we both played insensitive IVR computers. Or, of course, there were the two major GEICO “Real People” campaigns I voiced.
This time around it’s for Total Wireless, an inexpensive cell service available through Walmart. The copy for these spots was funny enough. But when I got to Patches in Hollywood to record, they showed me the videos. Perfection.

Now, when I started recording, I had no idea these spots would be nationals. But I started to get the hint they were when the director asked me for several different styles in the read. And then they had to run those by the client and schedule me the next dy. At that point they had nailed down the voice style and we recorded four of the spots. The they had me back the next day for four more. In total, 4 :30s and 4:15s… Hallelujah! Fingers crossed they are played often and forever.

Next week I go back in for the radio versions! (An actors life is always about hoping to be struck by lightening repeatedly.)

Umbrella Corps

In other news, Capcom has released “Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps!” I can finally tell you that not only do I voice the “player” guy, I also have a few moments as the iconic sexy badass, Albert Wesker.

If you play this game and you find me (I think I’m part of The Experiment – a campaign available within the game) please record it on video and post on YouTube! Would love to share with my fans on Facebook and Twitter!

Puerto Rico Starcon

And last, but not least whatsoever, I’ll be headed to Puerto Rico this July 4th weekend to appear at Starcon! Tell your friends and come give me a tropical hug!