SHOCKING: D.C. Douglas Exposes Truth About 101 Voice Actors!

SHOCKING: D.C. Douglas Exposes Truth About 101 Voice Actors!

After 35 years, I figured it was time. I’m finally spilling the tea on all these voice actors. Going to give you the brutal truth. I’m tired of keeping what I think inside. Time to out these people! While the idea of me doing this may upset you, I personally don’t care. These things need to be said.

Oh, and yes, the title is total clickbait! I’m going to talk about these 101 actors, but I only have nice things to say about them! That’s the thing about this industry: there are a ton of good people working behind the mic, and I have been very lucky to have met some of them, either on a job or, more often, at a convention.

In fact, this post qualifies as…

A Career Love Letter To Voice Actors!

I grabbed the first 1000 voice actors (sorted by number of credits) off of and then deleted those whom I’ve never met or it was too fleeting. I may have made a mistake and deleted you! If we’ve met and you wanna be on this love fest list, please let me know so I can add you! I did a lot of LSD in high school, so my memory for names, locations, where I live — all of these things are not necessarily reliable!

This was also a random thought I had for a blog post that grew into an experiment and then a freaking challenge! It took several days to write. And I know I’m missing many other actors I know who may not have the kind of credits BTVA tracks but are well-established so I hope they forgive me and understand that my brain was fried by the time I finished it!

Here we go!


Charlie Adler

Known for “Transformers” and others. Back in the good old days of Twitter when it was only Nazi-lite I had some very fun random back-and-forths with Charlie. One day we finally met briefly at a studio as he was recording a few roles on “The Rocketeer.” Such a talented, funny, and politically literate human being.

Greg Ayres

Known for “Dragon Ball Z” and others. I love this man! Back when I used to do a certain convention circuit I would always see Greg there. I danced at many of his raves on stage (in my underwear 😜) and off and laughed my ass off whenever we were in a panel together. Such a good heart and I miss him.

Laura Bailey

Known for “Critical Role” and others. I’ve only met Laura once (I think) at MCM London comic con 10 years ago or so. Our signings were at the same time so the interaction was brief, but she was super sweet. Including her on this list because I want to be seen as cool.

Dee Bradley Baker

Known for “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” and others. “Transformers: Rescue Bots” offered me so many opportunities to meet all these talented people. Dee Bradley Baker was one of those super talents whom I spent a few moments with in the Studiopolis waiting room. Very open and kind.

Jon Bailey

Known for “Honest Trailers” and others. I find Jon Bailey’s story to be so fascinating. He reached out to me via IG saying he was going to be visiting Los Angeles and wanted to pick my brain about VO. So we met at The Pikey on Sunset Boulevard and talked for an hour or two. I was so taken with his talent and how knowledgeable he was about the industry — he knew way more than I did! Then he moved here and his career has taken off! Happy to say that success did not change him (other than transforming him into a James Bond type). He’s still that energetic, knowledgeable and honest guy I met on Sunset Boulevard.

Troy Baker

Known for “The Last of Us” and others. The first time I met Troy was in 2009 when I was doing my very first convention in Ohio. He showed me the ropes and I learned how to handle a Q&A by watching him. I also learned that I should upgrade my wardrobe. Maybe not the scarves.

Tia Ballard

Known for “Fairy Tail” and others. We met briefly at a couple conventions in passing. Super kind and funny.

Michael Bell

Known for “The Transformers” and others. A “Transformers: Rescue Bots” introduction! Talk about voice over royalty! Michael is very kind and very passionate about animal welfare.

Jeff Bennett

Known for “Johnny Bravo” and others. Another “Transformers: Rescue Bots” introduction! I met him many times at the studio and at a few parties. A very unassuming and humble guy for someone who has voiced thousands of characters! If you don’t know him, you need to look him up. He’s in everything you’ve ever watched.

Bob Bergen

Known for “Looney Tunes” and others. Bob was actually a client of mine when I used to edit actor demo reels in the nineties at Planet Video! He wanted to branch out a little from voice over and also do hosting gigs. I had no idea at the time that he was an heir apparent to Looney Tunes!

Gregg Berger

Known for “The Transformers” and others. Many of the people on this list are folks I’ve only met once or twice at conventions. That means I was most likely tipsy and can’t remember too much! But I do remember Greg being another kind warm human being.

Morgan Berry

Known for “My Hero Academia” and others. I finally met Morgan a year or two ago at a convention and oh my God is she an adorable person! Thoroughly enjoyed the weekend getting to know her. And I’m very grateful to have been directed by her, as well.

JB Blanc

Known for “Breaking Bad” and others. I actually met JB as well as several other voice actors at an event that Stephanie Sheh had put together after the tsunami in Japan. So my actual meeting of JB is on camera and you can see it here.

Steve Blum

Known for “Cowboy Bebop” and others. There are a few on this list who are very special to me. Either because we worked together or had a chance to get to know each other on a deeper level than just career. Steve voiced Heatwave in “Transformers: Rescue Bots.” I learned so much watching him work. He was also one of the most supportive actors I’ve known. A genuine human being. Another actor I miss seeing on the regular.

Earl Boen

Known for “Terminator” and others. I met Earl in 1985 after moving to LA. He cast me in his wife’s dinner show “Murder By Night” where I played a killer in drag. He was the first actor I met who was making a living from both on-camera and voice over gigs. A career I still strive to achieve. He was so very talented and dramatic and funny, and yes, a little moody. He was 40 when I met him and he was at that stage where he was dissatisfied with where his career was. An early lesson to count blessings and not suffer the treadmill for an ideal that only sheer luck and lightening can make happen. Unfortunately, I didn’t get it until I was 50. But I owe Earl so much. More than I ever told him when he was alive.

Johnny Yong Bosch

Known for “Power Rangers” and others. I always laugh when I think of the time I met Johnny Yong Bosch. While we were at the same convention, we didn’t cross paths except for a brief moment for scheduled pictures. At that point, I was joking with some people I had known for a while and being very much my D.C. Douglas self. And if you don’t know me that well I can seem a little odd at first! I just remember him side-eyeing me the entire time. Lol! (Yes, in a humorous way).

Clancy Brown

Known for “SpongeBob SquarePants” and others. Literally only ever said hi to him as he was walking by our studio. So that qualifies to be on this list dammit! Must include all the badass voice actors I can.

Kira Buckland

Known for “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” and others. We’ve only ever met at a few conventions, but we have been in so many projects together! She is super fun to hang out with and is great with her fans.

Jonathan Cahill

Known for “Love, Death & Robots” and others. So this is one of those few times I met a voice actor first in the booth (an industrial for Kia, I think) and then became friends online! Jonathan has a very unique voice but his political voice I admire even more. One of the smartest VO guys I follow on IG (and occasionally get tipsy with in a dive bar).

Lacey Chabert

Known for “Mean Girls” and others. Another gift from my time on “Transformers: Rescue Bots” was meeting and working with Lacey. She’s literally everything you’d think – sweet, giving, talented and funny. I’ll always appreciate her playing with me off-mic for a fun video you can watch here.

Ray Chase

Known for “Final Fantasy XV” and others. While we may have met at a convention (I can’t quite remember) I consider the night that the trio streamed Persona 5 and invited me over and fed me Appletinis as our official meeting. Very laid-back and kind.

Dameon Clarke

Known for “Borderlands 2” and others. I feel like Dameon is that devil sitting on my shoulder. Lol! Such a funny, devious man. We met right before the pandemic and then again last year where all my edgy jokes got one-upped by him! He’s that good.

Peter Cullen

Known for “Transformers” and others. I’ll give you one guess on what show we met! It was a brief hello and then he was off into the studio. The only other time we met I brought my mentee to meet him, and I ended up making an ass out of myself. You can read about that here.

Tim Curry

Known for “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” and others. This is the top of the top! The pinnacle of people I could meet in my life! When I was a kid, there were three people I idolized; Barry Dennen, Benny Hill and Tim Curry. We met at the Arclight in Hollywood one night. I did what all fans do and intruded on his evening. He was so gracious and funny. I got a picture with him, but I looked like total crap in it! You can read about it here. Of course, six months later, my career hit one of those magical points when he was hired for the cartoon I was on as the main villain. I could go on, but this is a very long blog post!

Robbie Daymond

Known for “Spider-Man” (2017) and others. The first time I met, Robbie was when he guest-starred on “Transformers: Rescue Bots.” (I’ll mention this a lot since we did 104 episodes!) I was bowled over by his magnetism and energy. A talented, gregarious human being.

Barry Dennen

Known for “Jesus Christ Superstar” and others. The first time I met Barry was for a table read of someone’s film script. He was the last to enter the room and I was so shocked that I just blurted it out that I used to pretend I was him in my bedroom at night (performing Pilate). That led to my idol flirting with me! You can’t top that.

Grey DeLisle

Known for “The Fairly OddParents” and others. I’ve only ever met Grey at conventions or seeing her perform stand up. There are certain actors you meet that are exactly how they portray themselves online. She is one of them. Genuine, funny, kind, super fucking talented.

Debi Derryberry

Known for “Jimmy Neutron” and others. I first met Debbie in the 90s when she came to my Planet Video edit bay to put together a cartoon reel that she would be on camera interjecting commentary with. Not a lot of people did that back then and it was clever. It also introduced me to all of the work she had done and that was 35 years ago! More VO royalty…

John DiMaggio

Known for “Futurama” and others. I met John on the final day of a convention, where all of the actors were crammed into a small hotel room as we waited for our fees to be paid and airport transportation to arrive. I was too intimidated to say anything. And he has that gruff New York stand-up comedian persona. We all had the same flight to LA that night and once we arrived in LA something awkward happened and he stepped in and put me at ease with his kindness. If there’s something I appreciate more than talent, it’s kindness. He certainly has both!

D.C. Douglas

Known for drinking creamy sweet martinis and others. This dude owes me so much money!


Greg Ellis

Known for “Pirates of the Caribbean” and others. Greg took over the role that Tim Curry was originally cast in for our cartoon after he had his stroke. Met him a few times in the waiting room. A very thoughtful and gentle man.

Richard Epcar

Known for “Ghost in the Shell” and others. There are a few voice actors on this list who I must credit for adding propulsion to my career. Richard is definitely one of them. He was my first anime director at the turn of the century. He was also the first example of an on-camera actor transitioning into voice over. This was a concept I didn’t fully understand and was actually trying to avoid (out of sheer ignorance). So Richard represents a lot of things to me. I have since been directed by him in many things and always love how his humor pushes the envelope in ways neither of us want HR to know about! Only man taller than me that I hug.

Bill Farmer

Known for “Goof Troop” and others. I met at Bill at a few conventions. Best political debate I’ve had in that he was kind and open the entire time. I really would like him and his wife to adopt me. Such a down home warm human being.

Dave Fennoy

Known for “The Walking Dead” (Game) and others. I think we have been at several conventions together, but I remember meeting him at one in particular where our tables were next to each other. We spent the day chatting in between meeting fans. Very kind, laid-back and deep thinker.

Carlos Ferro

Known for “Gears of War” and others. We’ve met at a few cons in the last 8 years. If you ever wondered what it’s like to live in the world of “Swingers” (the Favreau/Vince Vaughn flick) just hang out with this man. Funny, fast talker, supportive and a tad naughty.

Crispin Freeman

Known for “Hellsing” and others. The gentleman of voice over! I met him at a few cons as well as that event Stephanie Sheh put together. If you ever wanna have an in-depth academic discussion about anime and voice over, he is your man.

Cris George

Known for “My Hero Academia” and others. Since the pandemic it’s hard for me to discern whether I met somebody in my headphones – directing me for a job – or if it was at a convention! But I believe for Cris and I it’s both. Super fun and an excellent director to work with.

Todd Haberkorn

Known for “Fairy Tail” and others. I don’t think there’s anyone I know in the business who wears their heart on their sleeve as much as Todd. Even so, you may miss it due to his great humor and reliable professionalism. His is a friendship I’m grateful for, for many reasons.

Jennifer Hale

Known for “Mass Effect” and others. I love this woman. Another one of those genuine actors with an open heart. We met at a convention years ago and crossed paths at a few others afterwards. I’ve even twerked in front of her. One of those people you want in your corner because it means you’re doing something right.

Mark Hamill

Known for “Star Wars” and others. I met the legend. A few times. This man has so many stories you could lose a day enraptured by his history and story-telling technique. I simply love him.

Jess Harnell

Known for “Animaniacs” and others. We both shared all the roles in this bizarre “libertarian” cartoon special years before we ever met. But we finally did at several conventions. Huge personality and wardrobe. Very congenial.

Billie Hayes

Known for “H.R. Pufnstuf” and others. I was lucky enough to meet her on “Transformers: Rescue Bots” a couple years before she passed. What can I say? I met an icon from my childhood. Super sweet and still had all that talent readily available for the gig in her 90s!

Kyle Hebert

Known for “Dragon Ball Z” and others. I love Kyle! One of the folks who is always as they appear to be. Kind, funny, intelligent, talented, and a positive human being. We’ve met at many cons and I’m always happy when I see he’s at one.

Ali Hillis

Known for “Mass Effect” and others. I think everyone has a crush on Ali. She and Liam O’Brien cohosted a party around 2010 during a time I was under fire from the Tea Party. I was a bit hesitant to go meet voice actors I didn’t know! That was my first time meeting her and she was a wonderful host and funny human being. At a later convention, I twerked in front of her thereby solidifying our connection through the space time fabric. Or so I like to think.


Known for “Assassin’s Creed III” and others. He may be a brother from another mother. I met Adrian at a Chicago con about 10 years ago where we ended up in a pool at 2 am. We maintained an online friendship for years and occasionally meet up when he’s in LA (including an infamous “Wesker-off with Richard Waugh). Sensitive, artistic, funny, talented and has a huge heart.

Chuck Huber

Known for “Dragon Ball Z” and others. I think this man will forever have me guessing. I find him to be a fascinating mystery of a human being. I’ve met him at a few conventions and he’s very down to earth and kind.  I truly need more time to hang with this man because… Did he create a religion?!


Jeremy Inman

Known for “My Hero Academia” and others. Okay, this one is a bit of a fake out because we actually have never met in person. But he directed me in so many things during the pandemic that I feel like we have met. A wonderful Director and funny human being.

Billy Kametz

Known for “The Rising of the Shield Hero” and others. I hate that I never knew who he was until the day I met him. But the day that I did meet him was one of my lowest in recent years. He didn’t know that. But we were both in a Covid protected room for plexiglass autograph signings in December of 2021 at a con. We started talking and his calmness and kindness and willingness to hear about my woes put me at ease. It’s unfortunate that sometimes we only learn how good a person is after they are gone. I didn’t know him, but my sense was he was one of the good ones.

Christina Kelly

Known for “Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! -Heart Throb-” and others. I just met her this year at a con! Very funny and kind. And adventurous! Alas, I didn’t stay with the group that night to see how crazy they got but I do know she owns a gun. Lol!

Tom Kenny

Known for “SpongeBob SquarePants” and others. I met Tom on a series of TV commercials we did for Experian where we played some nefarious computers. Spent 5 hours with him and had a blast. Such a fun, real man. And very humble considering his place in our culture! And if you ever get to see his band – do it!

Maurice LaMarche

Known for “Pinky and the Brain” and others. Maurice and I couldn’t be closer considering he used to be inside me! Lol! He drive my Transformer character. The table read for “Transformers: Rescue Bots” was my our meeting. Then 104 episodes and countless parties and events… Another mensch of a talented human being whom I count as a friend.

Phil LaMarr

Known for “Samurai Jack” and others. I just realized I have NO IDEA when we met. I know it was at least 15-20 years ago – but I can’t recall if it was in my edit bay at Planet Video, on stage at ACME or Groundlings or at a VO session… But Phil is awesome. Kind, humble and genuine.

Lex Lang

Known for “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” and others. I think we first met in the booth with him directing me in an anime 10 years ago or so. He and his wife are so supportive and nice! One of those people that give you a smile when you run into them.

Wendee Lee

Known for “Cowboy Bebop” and others. I met Wendee as a director on “Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles” almost 20 years ago! And then she directed me in several JRPGs over the years. Always love working with her. As a director, she’s “good” tough which is a funny juxtaposition to her normal day to day persona which is very warm, supportive and sweet. I love running into her at cons, as well!

Erica Lindbeck

Known for “Barbie” (Franchise) and others. While we’ve been in 30 projects together over the years, I only met her briefly a few times at conventions in the last 15 years and usually just on stage at a panel. Talented and kind.

Yuri Lowenthal

Known for “Spider-Man” (PS4) and others. Actually met this lovely human 20 years ago through some mutual friends for film script readings and a film short (lost to the wind at this point). So, I knew him before he was known as a VO God. And he is just as sweet and considerate now as he was then.


Dave Mallow

Known for “Digimon” and others. We met 25 years ago doing VOs for a notoriously cheap commercial campaign company! And then we would hang out in later years between our respective sessions at Demos That Rock studio with Chuck Duran. Such a sweet man.

Jason Marsden

Known for “The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride” and others. “Transformers: Rescue Bots” family! Here’s another special one for me. Met him on day one and learned much watching him in sessions. He’s remarkable with his multiple takes – all 3 very different and all creative and perfect. And then my trips to NOLA and Nashville to hang with him. One of those rare non-“Hollywood” celebrities who is also a good friend.

Michael McConnohie

Known for “Transformers” and others. I met Michael back around the same time as Dave Mallow and Chuck Duran. Talk about effervescent and warm! So fun being in sessions with him. Miss seeing him and his wife.

Joel McDonald

Known for “One Piece” and others. I met Joel at Youmacon around 2010 or so. I approached him and told him I was looking to get back into anime as I realized there was this whole convention explosion for VAs to make side income from. He immediately said he wanted to stunt cast me in “One Piece!” The rest is history. I haven’t seen him in person in years, but he’s been on zoom and in my ears for several session in the last year for something very fun coming in 2025/2026…

Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

Known for “Ghost in the Shell” and others. I met her about 24 years ago on some JRPG or anime. I remember telling her I wasn’t too interested in doing those types of jobs (I was making good money in commercials and promos) and so the next time we met was after I sent emails in 2010 to her and other ADR directors that I was wrong and wanted to do more anime because, duh, conventions! Lol! Always a classy and giving director and actor. And when Steve and her became a thing I thought, “how freaking perfect.’

Kristen McGuire

Known for “My Hero Academia” and others. I forget the convention we met at but I had the BEST time getting drunk with her and a few others in the green room. Truly a funny lady! Hope to run across her path again one day.

Matthew Mercer

Known for “Critical Role” and others. I met the legend while working on Regular Show’s final season. We played two German characters in one episode and as we were walking into the session I confessed my worry about how bad my accent was. Without missing a beat he gave me a few tips and told me not to worry – it’s a wacky cartoon! I also remember him telling me about his personal passion project of streaming D&D games. Congratulated him on having some success doing something he loved… “Some..” Lol! Now he rules the nerd culture! (And yes, Matt, I’d LOVE to do a guest spot on it!)

Daman Mills

Known for “Dragon Ball Super” and others. I met this cool cat on a P-Cap test project for Capcom in 2021. I didn’t have a car at the time and he was sweet enough to give me a lift both days to Marina Del Rey. Talented and kind and a sexy anime God.

Lani Minella

Known for “Nancy Drew” (Games) and others. Lani found me through Google back in 2005 when my website showed up in the first 3 spots for “voice over!” Sigh, miss those algo days… She hired me for a few gigs over the years (including “Killer Klowns!”) but we only ever met once in San Diego for a commercial gig where she directed me. A talented, straight shooter who hustles better than most in this biz (including me!)

Dave B Mitchell

Known for “Mortal Kombat 11” and others. I met Dave in the waiting room at Abrams Artists Agency back in 2004 or so. Kind and very knowledgeable. Our careers have had a similar trajectory, as well. I’ve run into him a few times at sessions or cons in the years since. A good dude!

Max Mittelman

Known for “One Punch Man” and others. Everybody loves Max! I met him the same day I met Robbie since they were cast on the same episode. Have seen him many times since (including the Appletini stream). Kind, warm and self-effacing – which conceals his sharp and mischievous humor.

Xander Mobus

Known for “Super Smash Bros.” and others. I can’t remember the first time we met in person (I think it was an LA bar and I got a bit drunk) but I remember the second time. He came to my place 5 years ago for a poker game and added to the fun chaos, funny and passionate.

Laraine Newman

Known for “Saturday Night Live” and others. Even though we’ve never worked together in the studio (though we both are in “Star Wars The Old Republic”) it was in 1998 that we met in San Francisco for a film short where she played my sister! One of my career highlights for a kid who had a crush on her on SNL. You can watch the film here.

Liam O’Brien

Known for “Critical Role” and others. What can I say, Liam made me Albert Wesker in “Resident Evil 5.” He was my director and he was so good at it – both in getting me to go operatic and also in protecting my voice from screaming overuse (Chriiiiiisssss). A whipsmart, funny human. A fun anecdote – he mentioned in the session that he auditioned for Wesker and wanted the role. Which makes me think that if some magical being came to me and offered me the Wesker role or to wait 10 years and be a part of Critical Role – I would’ve passed on Wesker in a heartbeat!

Tony Oliver

Known for “Robotech” and others. I love Tony! Such a great human and wonderful director. You “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” fans can credit him for letting me get inside the skin of Yoshikage Kira. After those sessions I occasionally get to see him at a con! If you ever get a chance to see him at one, do so! Much knowledge to share.

Bryce Papenbrook

Known for “Attack on Titan” and others. I first met Bryce and his wife in London 10 or so years ago. We had a fun time chatting in a pub about another con guest whom we both were trying to avoid (one of the very very few in this biz). At the end of the conversation we got up to leave just as said guest showed up and looked so dismayed that we were leaving. It was a perfect punchline to our time together!

Chris Patton

Known for “Fullmetal Alchemist” and others. Aw, Chris! I have only met him once in 2009 at my very first convention. He was funny and kind. I always hoped we would cross paths again, but it hasn’t happened in the last 15 years…

Rob Paulsen

Known for “Animaniacs” and others. Obviously I have known about this VO Royal for years but met him only once at Dragon Con about 6 years ago where he made his way to ME to say hi. Pretty sure my working with Maurice LaMarche brought me that opportunity. A very sweet, talented man.

Paul St Peter

Known for “Naruto” and others. Paul is so ubiquitous at cons I can’t pinpoint our first meeting. But I always love seeing him. Funny, gregarious, full of fun stories and a kind heart.


Chris Rager

Known for “Dragon Ball Z” and others. I met Chris about 10 years ago at a midwest con. Had a blast hanging with him for the weekend. His last name encompasses his energy and humor for sure!

Sam Riegel

Known for “Critical Role” and others. I met the legend in 2006 during my Cup Of Tea Productions days where he directed me in several JRPGs (.Hack anyone?) and occasionally on jobs since then (most recently “DC Super Hero Girls”). Always funny, kind and generous… And tall!

William Salyers

Known for “Regular Show” and others. Aw, William. One of those kind actors who elicit an “aw” when you think of them. Met him on the final season of “Regular Show” and had a blast working with him. So kind and talented.

Patrick Seitz

Known for “Attack on Titan” and others. While we have been in 50 projects together, I have only worked with him being my director. I think the first time was in 2015 for “Durarara!!x2.” Always a friendly, kind and funny guy to be around.

Stephanie Sheh

Known for “Naruto” and others. I met Stephanie at in 2009 where she directed me in “Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles.” The next time was at her “We Heart Japan” event in 2011 – you can see that here. A deep, thoughtful artist whom I don’t work with enough.

Keith Silverstein

Known for “Overwatch” and others. I just met Keith in person a year or two ago at a con. We started off with a deep political conversation in the van ride from the airport! A genuine human whom I hope to meet again.

Ian Sinclair

Known for “Dragon Ball Super” and others. I miss Ian! Such a funny, unique person. The kind of personality a sit-com can be built around. We met at a con about a decade ago. I would love to see him again one day. Such great energy and world POV.

Roger Craig Smith

Known for “Sonic the Hedgehog” and others. First time I met Roger was when he arrived early for a session while I was still recording (directed by Liam O’Brien). That was maybe 14 years ago. The he guest starred on an episode of “Transformers: Rescue Bots” where I snagged this funny video. And then I tracked him down for a Wesker Week fan-service video a bit after that. Highly intelligent and funny man. If you aren’t following him on IG you are missing out on some amazing photography.

David Sobolov

Known for “Guardians of the Galaxy” and others. I first met David at a Transformers convention in San Diego about a decade ago. Such great energy and ambition. Also ran into him at Dragon Con a few years after that. What pipes the man has!

Michael Sorich

Known for “Digimon” and others. Here’s the OG of my voice actors! I met Michael in 1989 when my non-union commercial agent told me I should get a VO demo. Met him at Denny’s or Pink’s – I can’t remember! He put together a great reel for an inexperienced 24 year old. Several years later I hosted a Playboy Hidden Camera show and he, unbeknownst to me, was one of the hijinks actors in the recorded bits! But I didn’t run into him in person until 2022 at a studio in the Valley. Since then he’s directed me in a few mobile games and I just LOVE his personality. Funny, energetic, kind and knows his shit. He’s one of the propulsion people of my career!

Kath Soucie

Known for “Rugrats” and others. I had the privilege of not just meeting her on our “Transformers: Rescue Bots” show, but to watch her work. Truly a talent with a Jeff Bennet sized box of voices!

Ash Sroka

Known for “Mass Effect” and others. Even though we acted in two huge “Mass Effect” games together – we only just met last year! Check out our first time here. I love this lady! Powerful human and funny, caring friend.

Tara Strong

Known for “The Powderpuff Girls” and others. Another VO royal I first met at a con 10 years ago. Super talented and a world unto herself. When in her presence I just stand back and see where it all goes!

Doug Stone

Known for “Robotech” and others. First Michael Sorich, then Doug… We first met when I auditioned for his stage show “On Thin Ice” in the early 90’s. Then we crossed paths in a recording studio around 1994/95 and he took my info and cast me in several ADR gigs (think Hercules and Xena!) I learned a lot by watching him do his thing. Another super talented human with a great heart. Always grateful met him.

Karen Strassman

Known for “Monster High” and others. After Karen moved back from France to the US she booked a session with me at my edit bay Planet Video for her theatrical reel. that’s when I first met her. Magical, sweet, talented and soulful. Yes, I had a crush. Last time I saw her was right before the pandemic at an agency happy hour. Still radiant and soulful.

John Swasey

Known for “Neon Genesis Evangelion” and others. Yeah, baby! Love hanging with this man! So fun, down-to-earth and talented. Met him about 10 years ago. Time to grab a beer with him soon!

Fred Tatasciore

Known for “Overwatch” and others. It’s wonderful when a super talented person is also humble and very friendly to strangers. That’s Fred. Only met him once for a “Regular Show” recording session. I would’ve talked to him more but I was still battling imposter syndrome.

J Michael Tatum

Known for “Attack on Titan” and others. Style, charm, panache – That’s J Michael Tatum! We met at a few cons over the last 15 years. I always get re-inspired to work out after seeing him.

Courtenay Taylor

Known for “Fallout 4” and others. Legion actually met Jack at the turn of the century! Both of us just getting going in VO earnestly. She’s as badass as her characters and passionate about good causes. Though she hates my fashion choices.

Austin Tindle

Known for “Tokyo Ghoul” and others. We only met once at a con about a decade ago. I never laughed as hard and as often at a convention than with him. He probably inspired me to finally grow my hair out… And then he cut his!

Abby Trott

Known for “Carmen Sandiego” and others. First day I briefly met Abby she had just brought muffins to the recording crew. That sums her up well. Met her properly at a cool event in LA where an orchestra played the music of both “Nier: Automata” and “Nier Replicant.” Very charming and disarming.


Cristina Valenzuela

Known for “Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir” and others. I met this superstar before she was a superstar! It was about 11 years ago at a con where we all went out to dinner. She was charming, enigmatic, and funny. Her whole journey is so inspiring.

David Vincent

Known for “Bleach” and others. I love David even though our only deep conversation was 8 years ago. But he was a stranger to me and he listened to my woes with kindness and compassion. Another really good dude.

Billy West

Known for “Futurama” and others. While I “met” Billy I really just sat back and watched him entertain a dinner table one night after the con. So freaking funny and nice.

Imari Williams

Known for “Transformers: Rescue Bots” and others. “Transformers: Rescue Bots” family! Imari is the reason our cast became so close to this day. He was one of the newer VO actors on the show and that translated into courage and connection, willing us into a real show family. Big heart, gorgeous voice. It’s Imari, people!

Travis Willingham

Known for “Critical Role” and others. We only met once at MCM London at least 10 years ago. He and his wife were signing at the same time as me. He was funny and friendly but it was a huge con and we didn’t have any time after that. I know, so many opportunities for me to become good friends with the Critical Role folks early on and I messed it all up! I could’ve been a mage elf magician! (Or whatever DnD does. I never learned…)

Debra Wilson

Known for “Mad TV” and others. I love ending with this lady! What a human being. She truly seems otherworldly in her passion, thoughts and interactions with others. We met on “Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.” The kind of person who makes gifts for all the cast and crew and then shows up across town on a day she isn’t scheduled to give the gifts out! Truly special.

I did it? … I DID IT! Whew! That was fun to do. A bit of memory lane and a bit of “wow, I have met some amazing people in my life.”

Perhaps I’ll revisit this in 10 years and add more… Or perhaps my AI avatar will.

I do hope this post inspires you to learn more about the various actors out there and follow them online. After all, this post is a love letter to them.