Ohio! Hire Ted Williams!

Ohio! Hire Ted Williams!

I usually reserve all voiceover pimping for myself.  Yes, I’m a little piggy who wants as much work as I can get.  However, today I’d like to promote another voice over artist; Ted Williams.

Ted Williams is a trained pro who hit a very hard patch in his life and is now trying to put it all back together.  He is a homeless man in Columbus, Ohio.  And if you live there and can get him a voice over job, it would be a great way to start the new year.

Just watch this news story by the Ohio Dispatch:

Now that is a beautiful voice.  Can you help, Ohio?


Looks like Ted’s life is about to get a make-over! See Reddit.

The story doesn’t end there. The clip is gaining traction on YouTube and commenters have already begun offering Williams possible job opportunities in Columbus.

And a local morning radio show – Dave and Jimmy on Clear Channel-owned WNCI – will be interviewing Williams Wednesday and has hinted it might offer him work.

We’re going to find some way to help this guy!” the morning duo proclaims on the show’s Facebook page.

The internet can be a wondrous place…


From the NY Daily News:

He did the CBS “Early Show” Wednesday and is set to appear on NBC’s “Today” show Thursday. NBC is flying him in to New York Wednesday and he’ll repoprtedly stay up at the posh Essex House.

Asked on the Early Show how he felt about becoming a virtual overnight success, he said: “It’s sensational for one thing; overwhelming for another … It’s just amazing.”

Williams told the “Early Show” he was going to be reunited with his mother in New York.

“I’m getting a little emotional. I haven’t seen my mom in a great deal of time,” he said. “She doesn’t believe (what’s been happening to me). She’s 92. She lives in Brooklyn. I was born and raised in Brooklyn.

“One of my biggest prayers that I sent out was that she would live long enough for me to see me rebound or whatever, and I guess God kept her around and kept my pipes around to maybe just have one more shot that I would be able to say, ‘Mom, I did do it before, … I might pass away before her or whatever. My dad didn’t get a chance to see this. But God is good.”

Go to Gawker for video interview.