Google Santorum!

Google Santorum!

Go ahead.  Google “Santorum.”  I dare ya.  You know what you won’t find?  Equal rights for all.  Open-mindedness.  Respect for a woman’s choice.  Good taste in political advertising.

And thank the Supreme “AIDS promoter in Africa” Pontiff for that last one!

I have been a bit busy as of late with much acting and voice over work (shameless plug) and haven’t found the time to “tweak a nipple” appropriately.  But yesterday Freeman Montgomery posted “Rombo” (Rick Santorum’s latest Romney attack ad) on my Facebook page.  I was so astounded at how dangerously close Santorum treaded to his Google neologism namesake that I had to whip up a quick parody.  Luckily, all the video I needed was already supplied by his advertising firm (thanks, guys!) so I just had to slightly alter the audio…

D.C. Douglas Image - dan savageThis video is in honor of Dan Savage’s inspirational work (It Gets Better Project) as well as his impressive (and much deserving) nipple tweaking of Santorum!

If you aren’t aware of Rick Santorum’s views, you have three options; 1) research his political views, 2) try imagining the 1950s all over again, only from the perspective of the oppressed… Or 3) Just google “Santorum!”

I’m sure I’m not the first to mock this nor will I be the last, but sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do — play with Santorum!

If you enjoyed this silliness, please pass along to your friends.  Stumble, fark, boing, tweet and caress it!

Then head over to NOH8 and or It Gets Better Project and donate!

Also check out Twitching Blobs for an excellent post regarding the GOP’s war on women: America: The Procreation Nation