Out With The Old…

Out With The Old…

… Or rather, out with the young… The young DC.

While cleaning out my office I stumbled upon some old DVDs of film shorts and silly TV gigs I had passed over when creating a video library version of my website (which this current one is built upon). I realized many still didn’t deserve to be digitized. But a few did.

2015 will mark 30 years of my being in Los Angeles to pursue acting. Ironically, by definition, I am still pursuing acting. But I have made some headway and staying in LA is a lot more attractive than switching careers and taking a real estate class.

I have something more sparkly planned to celebrate 30 years that I’ll spring on you all next year. For now, though, I’d like to share a few things that you may also enjoy.

Let’s start with 1998!

There has been a clip of me from this film short on the website for years, but found the original full short. It’s actually very cute! Shot in 3 days near San Francisco with Laraine Newman (who had just had her wisdom teeth pulled and was worried she looked like a chipmunk), Liz Sheridan (who, like Laraine, was so down to earth and accessible), A young soon-to-be heartthrob Mario Yedidia and consummate pro, Richard Livingston. It was directed by the very funny Randy Field. Enjoy “Just Add Water.”

Going forward 5 years we end up in 2003! Also known as the year my double chin awoke.

Also the year I chose to lose my 30 something psuedo-sexy dangerous long locks and take on the buzzed conservatism of the roles I was better suited for.

First up, a two episode arc on “The Bold and The Beautiful” working opposite the late Darlene Conley. She had a good career that included working with Basil Rathbone and Alfred Hitchcock, but hit her stride playing over-the-top characters on “The Young and the restless” and “The Bold and The Beautiful.

She was most definitely NOT from I.T.

A buzz cut later and I was acting in short film with a wall street finance lady turned actress/writer.

But it was another short I did that year that has a soft spot in my heart. “Billy Makes The Cut.”

For a first time director/writer/actor, Justin S. Simons did an admirable job. It’s worth watching for some very fun dialogue… Oh, and for the radiant future Mrs. Jason Biggs – Jenny Mollen.

NOTE: Video may not work in your browser.
FIX: Go here, then use the video player menu on right side of player to click down a page.  Then click on image of Billy Makes The Cut full film and video should play fine inside that player.

I skipped over a few other full shorts out of respect to good taste… Aaaand to hide my baby face paired with an expanding chin and waist line. It amazes me how we don’t see those things until we’re almost too far gone. I will always thank the producers of “Apocalypse Kiss” for changing my life… By telling me I’d be naked in their film, thus, compelling me to hire a trainer! (Nobody ever regrets getting into shape, kids!)

Speaking of which, I think I’ll leave you with some excerpts from that film. Look for my anniversary video early next year.

Until then, enjoy some new “old” D.C.

P.S. Before you tweet at me or comment below; Yes, I don’t have the same nose I had in 1986, the year of the photo at the top. I lost it skiing. Got a replacement in Encino from a shady dude.