Farewell To My 2014 World Tour

Farewell To My 2014 World Tour

It astounds me that I was interesting enough to fans and conventions to be booked 17 times this year! That’s more than 42 flights, 190 hours in the air! And I only got two colds!

I seriously wanna thank everyone who bugged their cons to book me, as well as the con chairs who even thought to have me as a guest. It was an honor and a treat! Thank you:

EvilCon, UltraCon, A & G Ohio, FreeCon, AniMinneapolis, Sac-Con, MCM Belfast, Texas Comic Con, Anime Midwest, Anime Zing!, MCM Manchester, SabotenCon, MCM Glasgow, RamenCon, Tsubasacon, MCM London, and Youmacon!

Not sure there are any cons left to be a guest at, but if there are, have them book me here!

And now, a quick look back in a few pictures:


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