My Philly Film Family

My Philly Film Family

Grillo - Hayslett

Just a quick post inspired by a little girl.

At the beginning of this month I was invited to the cast and crew screening of “Apocalypse Kiss” in Newtown, Philadelphia. I just had to go because the people involved are so down to earth and fun to hang with.

The screening went off without a hitch and hearing the audience reaction to the film (and my performance – such a healthy ego I have) was a giddy treat.

Afterwards, aside from seeing my champions, Carmella Hayslett and Christian Jude Grillo, I got to meet the very affable Lloyd Kaufman of Troma Pictures.

DC Douglas - Lloyd Kaufman

Yes, I drank. I am known to be a big partier and the night ended up in some remote bar in kidnap country. But before I went down the rabbit hole, I was reminded of one little girl who I hung out with on set back in March. Here we are:

Well, half way into the night I realized I was drinking with her parents and they pulled me outside to show me a little video Skylar had made for me. This tickled me to no end and I had to share!

I love this little girl! And her very fun parents!

Here’s that “Kickin’ It!” episode she was referring to:

If you’d like to know more about the shoot, check out this post. The film should be out in 2014!