Lethbridge 98.1 DC Douglas Interview

Lethbridge 98.1 DC Douglas Interview

DC. Welcome to Lethbridge. Pleasure to have you here.

Hey, good to be here. Thank you.

First time in Alberta or have you been here before?

You know, I get confused by your different areas. I may. I may have flown. Oh, no. I have been to Alberta because Calgary’s in Alberta.

Yes. Yes.

So I’ve been. I’ve been to Calgary once in the nineties and then I’ve been to New Newfoundland, which is foundland into my american ear.


Newfoundland, right.


Newfoundland. Try that.


Close enough.

All right. And I’ve been there. And that’s it. Really? Oh, no. And I’ve been to Tron.

You must have done Toronto.

Yeah, that’s the one that’s just north of New York. Right. So bad. My geography. But I loved it, actually. I love Toronto. It’s because it’s like, it’s like Manhattan, only it goes on in all directions for a long time.

Yes. There’s a highway called the 401 that you basically stay on for about nine days.

Yeah, but there’s. But there’s so many cool little cute things there, like by little clubs and music and things like that. I really loved it. So whereas I haven’t found the clubs here yet, and we do have some cool places.

There’s actually some cool live stages. Yeah, I’ll tell you, there’s a place called the Owl. There’s another place called Slice. We’ll talk about this afterwards here. But yeah, if you got some time after the con appearances here, but. Okay. You don’t like the fact that I’m gonna bring up what I know you from, but for folks that are just getting to meet you now, tell us where we’ve seen you in such great films as well.

Oh, for that. Because mainly people know me for voice over, for doing resident evil, Mass Effect, and a lot of anime stuff like Jojo’s bizarre adventure. But for on camera, the only one I got that really like people like are Sharknado two.

I’m sorry. I’m one of those people.

Yeah, I know. Well, I’m also the only guy to. To die by alligator in a shark movie, so that’s.

That’s actually a stunning accomplishment. So here’s my story with the Sharknado movies. I tried like heck to avoid these things forever. I don’t. I just thought, I’m gonna be a. Try and be a highbrow cinema fan. There’s no way I’m gonna sit through a Sharknado movie. And then one long weekend, the weather wasn’t that great, and I might have sat through all of them.



Okay, now, that’s different. That’s an illness. The funny thing, though, that you say that, it’s like you’re, like, going, I was really holding off. Didn’t really want to do that. I actually sought to be in a Sharknado movie, really, because the first one happened, and it, like, took off. First off, it’s. They’re done by the asylum. And I did, like, I’ve done, like, seven asylum movies, and. But then when the sharknado thing took off, I’m like, why couldn’t I have been in the one that finally takes off for asylum? And so I talked to the producers. I go, if this second, I’d love to be in all that. He’s like, oh, definitely. Segment came. They were doing principal photography. Didn’t hear from them. I kept bugging them, and then. And then they wrapped photography. I’m like, oh, I guess it’s not going to happen. And then out of the blue, he said, they do want to do a pickup because they want a thing about alligators in the sewer. So if you can get to Buffalo, New York, this weekend, this weekend, you could be in the film. And because I had to work as a local hire, I had to pay for everything.

I had to fly myself there, put myself up, all that. So I basically. And I looked at it, and I go, this is about the amount of money I’m spending is, like, if, like, doing a PR press release or something, like, with, like, a high end company. And I. Well, that’s maybe kind of worth it because it’s a sharknado, too, so people would be excited about it. Anyway, went and did that, and. And then finally, two years later, I’d made enough in residuals to pay back the money I spent to be in the movie.

I was wondering what the kickback would be from Sharknado two for you.

It was conventions, actually. It’s why I still have a picture at my table. If you come down here to get autographs of Sharknado two, because there’s always that one person who says, I love Sharknado, too.

I’d say I loved it. I said I watched it, but.