My Terrible Twos!

My Terrible Twos!

The D.C. Douglas Blog is officially two years old!  Now I get to write blog posts full of tantrums!  But before I launch my blog poo at the wall, let’s take a misty-eyed look back at the last 12 months of posts…

Last summer began with the premiere of the classic Titanic II where I played a clueless captain with a big ass hat.  Between the subtle script and multi-dimensional character, it was obvious that young, stoned viewers everywhere would find my performance transcendant… They also found the end credit roll transcendant… And the potato chips they were eating transcendant…

I continued providing voice over services to Media Matters For America, as well as finding time to tweak more nipples.  First up were Matt Kibbe’s.

FreedomWorks’ Dick Armey was launching his new book and I had to lend a helping hand:

I was very fortunate to sign with an excellent voice over agency – AVO Talent, as well as a new theatrical agency – Daniel Hoff Agency.

In between, I had to tweak the nipple of Terry Jones.  This one caught the attention of HuffPo and the Twitterverse:

As summer ended, my girlfriend and I attended a NOH8 photo shoot fundraiser.  I was moved by the concept and made a video about it, hoping it would also catch the attention of Twitterverse…  But since I wasn’t satirizing anything or anybody, it didn’t quite catch.

But wait.  Here it is again…  Getting a an urge to tweet?  It’s okay… tweet, my child, tweet:

In the Fall, I attended the Rally To Restore Sanity in Washington DC and had a blast!  Also took the opportunity to visit my friends at FreedomWorks headquarters:

Unlike films or TV, videogame audiences seem to continue to grow long after a game has been released.  I was getting more and more nice emails and tweets from Resident Evil fans that I decided to give back a little fan service – starting with free voicemail greetings, then with an Albert Wesker spoof:

What was a slow year picked up with a national Netflix commercial (as the Tiger) and a national Christmas campaign for Radio Shack:

This year started off with a video game release and the launching of My Voiceover Guy’s YouTube channel.

And then Charlie Sheen and Scott Brown hit the news cycle at the same time… Coincidence?  I thought not:

Before I could even publish that post, Glenn Beck had to “grab” my attention by “reaching” for Socialism:

The Japanese tragedy was also heartbreaking to the anime voice over community, many of whom work closely with folks in Japan.  Stephanie Sheh and Pinguino Kolb put together a fundraiser and I made this short video about it:

In March, a childhood dream of mine came true!  I met Tim Curry!!!  ’nuff said.

In April, with the help of Abraham Peraza and Lily Popova, I produced my biggest Tweaked Nipple project:  A Sarah Palin / Michele Bachmann Rock Opera!  I’m über proud of this one and hope it keeps popping up on twitter until Bachmann is defeated:

Posts on another video game release, website renovations and appearance on “Bold & Beautiful” followed.  Wrote a love letter to the man who helped me get where I am, as well as a post on how not to talk to a Transformer.

Last month I shot an episode of a new Nickelodeon show (with the 1980’s Gidget as my wife) and my Kraft Macsurance commercial debuted:

The Resident Evil/Albert Wesker interview requests kept coming, so and I collaborated on a video interview – conducted by the fans – to be my final, complete interview:

Then, of course, I immediately went back to tweaking some nipples… ones that really needed it!

As my blog enters it’s 3rd year of self-importance and subtle career whoring, I hope you’ll continue to find some redeemable quality that keeps you coming back!  There is more videogame, cartoon, tv/film and “nipple” news to come…  And, as always, I will try to keep my personal views to myself. 😉