Andrew Breitbart Needs A Hug

Andrew Breitbart Needs A Hug

But all he’s gonna get out of me is a video.  😉

[Please see final update at end of post regarding his untimely death.]

This blog and my FaceBook fan page have quite an eclectic mix of followers.  Some know me from voice over, while others know me from my sporadic film or television work.  There is a huge videogame contingent, too.  But this post, my friends, is for the political crowd who found me through the Tea Party PSA and Palin/Bachmann Rock Opera.

And a long time coming, too!

Andrew Breitbart and his blogs of bloviation never entered my reality until FreedomWorks’ president wrote a post on that targeted me, personally, with half-truths, invasion of privacy, an illegal recording and a healthy dose of McCarthyism.  After researching Breitbart further, I knew one day I’d make a silly video about him.  After all, the man purposely makes himself into a media buffoon to increase his profile and drive hits to his websites.

Now, I also have an admission to make…  A part of me kinda likes him.

He reminds me of the unpopular kid at school who, after getting caught for some infraction, would use half truths to get out of it.  And when it was obvious to everyone he was lying, he’d repeat it with a little more passion and indignation.

Something I even find semi-admirable about Andrew is that he will stop on the street and debate anyone who approaches him whether they’re “important” or not.  He’ll do it passionately, too… Aaaand, odds are, he’ll throw in a few insults (and that’s where my admiration dies, too).

Andrew Breitbart, it should be noted, is an agnostic who has been embraced by the Tea Party and Sarah Palin.  That’s a pretty neat trick.  He’s also on the board of GOProud.  (Though, Republican gays who willingly gave up the marriage plank of their platform at the behest of Ann Coulter strike me as self-defeating.)

Even with all these facts and a certain smirking affection I may have for the kid within Andrew Breitbart, I can’t help but see it all as a ploy to achieve notoriety and status at the expense of truth and other people’s careers.  It feels like he would’ve done this on the “liberal side” if he thought he’d get as much attention since the political journey would be shorter for him, given his past.  Ultimately, he prizes the act of arguing rather than the principles one might argue for.

I agree that there is corruption and idiocy throughout the political spectrum.  But yelling that you’re going to fight fire with fire, Alinsky tactics with Alinsky tactics, monkey feces with monkey feces… Well, it doesn’t really seem praise worthy.  Just sounds like an unimaginative bully.

And, ultimately, I like to tweak bully nipples.  Enjoy:

If you liked this video, please help me get an audience for it!  FaceBook it!  Tweet it!  Stumble, Fark and Digg it!

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D.C. Douglas Image - BigDickieLeaks

UPDATE 2 hours later:
Someone just bought tonight!  So I bought…

UPDATE 3 hours later:

BreitbartTV posted video with this:

DISGRACED GEICO VOICE-OVER ACTOR LASHES OUT AT BREITBART IN PROPAGANDA PARODY VIDEO: Remember when GEICO voice over actor D.C. Douglas was fired for leaving a hate-filled voice mail at Tea Party affiliated Freedom Works? Well, it seems he blames none other than Andrew Breitbart for his own personal failings and has retaliated with this ‘hilarious’ video.

Now there’s some unbiased reporting!  Curious, though.  If it’s propaganda, why post it?  Could it be that the midnight shift guy thought it was funny?  Or that they really only care about clicks and ad revenue?  Either way, they’re not very ideologically pure… Tsk tsk.

UPDATE 7/22/11-7/24/11

Breitbart saw the video and apparently wholly agrees with the content since he didn’t address any of it in his tweets to me.

Side note: Nowhere in the video or post do I say releasing the voicemail was illegal.  Just the posting of Adam’s phone call to me – recorded without my permission in California, which is a 2-party notification state.  Also, Breitbart became a Tweaked Nipple subject because he fits in with my other subjects: Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Terry Jones, Scott Walker, Dick Armey and the Wolverine sideburned Matt Kibbe.

Sit back and enjoy the silliness:

Help Andrew Breitbart get his message out there! Tweet, post, fark, digg, buzz, plus, like, reblog, send to your…
Are you really making argument that releasing vile voicemail you left Freedomworks is illegal? Silly VoiceOver man!
Huh? No? Are you really helping America by not vetting your sources? Are you still paying O’Keefe?
If you’d like to help our Breitbart video out, email and tell them about the vid:…
Do you really think you are going to get a Pink Lady featuring Jeff Altman gig out of this pedestrian clip job? @MRDCDouglas
Actually, just tweaking your nipple is reward enough. Surprised a “pedestrian clip job” has you so, um, a-twitter…
How is my response to you any more or less than what I respond to anyone on Twitter? Do you want a butter cookie? @MRDCDouglas
Obviously my video has upset you. You sense the truth about your tactics & underlying psych. #p2 #p21
Your vile voice-mail message was newsworthy. And quite representative of your ilk. You really think VMs off-limits?
Your vile tactics & Atwater approach in name of glorifying your ego & webring are ideal for mockery
How’re the job offers rolling in? @MRDCDouglas
How are your vetting policies going?
My vetting policies are going great. @MRDCDouglas
Are you still paying O’Keefe? How is the Sherrod lawsuit going?
I hope @mmfa continues to hire you to do tremendous cut and slash propaganda jobs. @MRDCDouglas
I volunteer my services to @mmfa because I believe in their cause. How much does Koch/RNC pay you? // Are you still paying O’Keefe? How is the Sherrod lawsuit going?
Not paying O’Keefe ANYMORE, you mean? I guess I should have asked if your ethics policies cover your tweets.
With the $18 plus million @mmfa gets per year, you’re letting them get your professional services for free? Sucker! @MRDCDouglas
Are you implying that u only promote your cause for money? Your ideology is for hire? Pennies for your principles?
Not paying O’Keefe and Sherrod lawsuit going fine. Still desperate for traffic on the video I keep helping you promote? @MRDCDouglas
No I’m saying you’re the only idiot not getting a paycheck from Soros. @MRDCDouglas
Why are you resorting to name calling? Are you getting upset?
Are you more mad at me, Kibbe or Freedomworks? Did you think your VM wasn’t newsworthy? Why emerge now? Desperate?@MRDCDouglas
Are you more upset about the video showing you to be mean, misleading or vulnerable? Aren’t u on east coast? Can’t sleep?
You volunteer for a multi-million dollar organization that will hire ANYONE they find useful. #Pathetic
& Andy paid you how much 4 that tweet? Your blog posts? Twitterverse bends back over upon your tweet.
Actually @AndrewBreitbart and I are friends. A concept with which you are clearly unfamiliar. #SadLonelyLoser
I see, so he makes money and you give him content. Nice friend.
Libtards cant understand that their are Americans that stand up for whats right for nothing.
@Durango24k @AndrewBreitbart “Libatrds”? Andy, you were saying something about “your ilk” earlier, yes? side note – it’s “there”
Oh… bad…a bit tired tonight. Is this better? LIBTARDS!
Andy? You endorse the whole “libtard” tweeting meme?
Endorse the whole ‘libtard’ tweeting meme? (As opposed to the ‘teatard’ one?) No. @MRDCDouglas
Several of your followers keep calling me that.
I have not tweeted teatard at all. You called me an idiot. I haven’t called u anything.
Your brain appears to be behaving frantically & desperately to exact revenge. But the desperation seems to be backfiring. @MRDCDouglas
Huh? How so? You’re up late tweeting a guy you’ve never met who made a parody video. How important are you, really?
If several of my ‘followers’ are calling you a ‘libtard’ & you are taking offense, perhaps you are too thin-skinned. @MRDCDouglas
Wait a minute. You say that my “ilk” leave vile messages but you think I should be more thick-skinned to vile labels?
You seem to be, oh, I don’t know, contradicting yourself.
If you follow me I am called much, much worse. @MRDCDouglas
That’s irrelevant. You either stand for something or you don’t.
Wow. Watching Breitbart rage tweet @MRDCDouglas is hysterical. Remember not to feed the troll too much DC. :p
“Rage Tweet! THAT’s what’s happening? I’m not a big tweeter usually. Funny!

So, there you have it!  You can repost the video everywhere saying “Approved by Andrew Breitbart!”  … I think he likes me!

UPDATE 3/4/12

Even though I found his politics to be reprehensible, I would never wish death on him or anyone who only uses words and half-truths to hurt others.  Dying at 43 is much too young. I feel for his family and hope his kids can pass through the greif to an emotionally healthy place.