All-In With The GOP

All-In With The GOP

Last night I gambled away $350.  Texas Hold-em.  My love. My enemy.  My disease.

But all guilt is washed away when it’s for charity!  And Zeus bless Joe Cipriano for hosting another lovely charity event for the Screen Actors Guild and their Don Lafontaine Voiceover lab.  If there’s one thing I love more than losing money, it’s knowing that it will help foster future competition for me.

D.C. Douglas Image - SAG logo newSeriously, though, it is a very good cause and Joe knows how to mount a classy event.  In fact, I feel dirty having used the word mount in that last sentence.  Yes, that’s how classy it was.  And it was to be the subject of a breezy and quick blog post today.

But inspiration struck in the middle of the night…

I awoke with a creative itch to tweak some GOP nipples today. So, I will sum up last night’s event by directing you to this link for the background on the cause.

Now, for some political fun!

The last few debates for the GOP have produced some memorable moments and helped define the Republican base “personality.”  It seems pretty clear to most which way their hot air blows.  But some independent voters might be a tad confused.  Not to worry.  I have created a video to help them listen “correctly” to the conservative message.

If you know a voter who is also confused about the nominees and their intentions, please share this video with them.  It’s illuminating, informative and, dare I say, titillating?

Yes, kids, mama needs your help in getting this quick video “bon bon” out into the cyberverse.  Tweet, fark, stumble, digg, buzz, post, email and blog it, baby!  (And, yes, I am working on the talking doll version…)