Yep, That’s My Voice Riding Your Coattails

Yep, That’s My Voice Riding Your Coattails

I have no shame!   I’m an opportunist, after all!  I’ll highlight anyone’s award for anything if I happened to have been connected to it (as in, “I saw so and so in the bathroom during his lunch break the day he edited that promo for that film starring that famous actor whose wife received an honorary plaque for saving the white-bellied fire ants of Lichtenstein…  I am just so honored to have been a part of it all!”).

Listen, I’m a bit of a work-aholic who rarely has people over to see my mantel crammed with all my awards.  In fact, I don’t even have a mantel… or any awards, really.  But I have been around many folks who have!

Case in point: Brokaw Inc. A creative advertising company in Cleveland, Ohio.  I have been lucky enough to have been hired by Brokaw two years in a row to perform voice over for several Cleveland RTA commercials – cast by the lovely folks at Elaine Craig Casting in Hollywood.

D.C. Douglas Image - images 1I received an email today from Mark McKenzie (a kind-hearted writer at Brokaw) letting me know that the campaign I worked on last year just won the Silver National Addy! I was grateful for the email because not only does that mean someone likes me somewhere, but I was also handed another opportunity to take all the credit for myself.

Why, yes, that is a Silver National Addy crammed in the center of my Glory Mantel…  Oh, pshaw! I just do what I love and they shower me with awards… Really?  A master thesp? Oh, you’re too kind… No, no! Please don’t touch it! Human oil tarnishes the dream, dear… Brokaw?  Never heard of them.

Yes, I should put a sock in it.  But I wear sandals. (Don’t make fun – my toes are free spirits).

Here are the spots that Brokaw won their Silver Addy for.  And well-deserved, too, I think… even though they won’t send me their actual trophy…

Okay, okay, so I did get a lovely polycarbonate plastic award in the mail the other day for our film, “The Crooked Eye,” so, You know, I’m thinking about adding a fireplace to our house in the brush fire zone.