How To Get Blocked By Trump (Snowflake Edition)

How To Get Blocked By Trump (Snowflake Edition)


Before you get into the nuts and bolts of my OCD battle with Macedonian Trump Troll bots (read about them here and here.), be sure to go to the Breaking News! playlist and enjoy the series! Sign up below the scroller for future updates, too.

Breaking Trump News


So, you’re sitting around your favorite Socialist cafe table, sipping your elitist Cabernet, when one of your Soros-paid, out of touch, liberal friends (wearing a hemp dress and cruelty free make-up) asks, “How did you ever do it?”

“Persistence,” I say, “combined with some very informative videos I created.”

What was my friend referring to? (I’ll call her “Sunshine Paltrow” for now, even though I won’t use her name again in this post.)  It was this:

Trump Blocked

Yes, I have been blocked by rich, toxic masculinity, er, the Royal Trump patriarchy.

Since posting that picture, many young gakusei have inquired how they can follow the Zen path of irritating a man-child. In addition, even though I can still search for “@realDonaldTrump” and see/comment on his most recent tweet – only those reading that thread can see my posts (still fun) but not our Beloved Leader. I’d love for my work to carry on annoying him.

So, knowing all that, I need you to take this twitter torch from me! Let me show you my ways:

1. Start with this one, as it always gets the most initial reaction from others. This gets the twitter algorithm attention.

Copy/Paste this:
✔️ Special Counsel
⭕️ Independent Commission
⭕️ 2018 Impeachment
🔥 #ImpeachTrump #TrumpRussia #resist 🔥


Copy/Paste this:
👉🏼 Here are 🔥 7 things YOU can do 🔥 RIGHT NOW to #Resist the #Trump agenda and set the stage for #ImpeachTrump:

2. You will get responses ranging from “cry baby” to “dream on” to “suck my [most likely below average sized penis].” That’s when you follow up with an InfoBomb™.

Copy/Paste this:
Dear Trump supporter, you are right. I admit it. 🙁 #TrumpRussia #ImpeachTrump


Copy/Paste this:
All facts sourced by Fox, Breitbart & conservative media Trump approves.
Ur in a corner, baby. Truth put u there.

3. Most won’t watch it, but the passive “on the fence” ones may – that’s our goal – along with giving other bleeding heart liberal babies more video ammunition to shotgun some awareness at the masses. When the diehard inevitably respond, it may vary from insipid to “whatabout” logic. Doesn’t matter, now you can have some fun by holding up a mirror to the archetypes. (And help promote my cartoon series – I’m a shameless entertainment whore first and foremost!).

Copy/Paste this:
🔥BREAKING NEWS: Inside The Mind of A Trump Voter 🔥
3 #Trump loving archetypes. (Can u spot the bot?)


Copy/Paste this:
😂WHOA! YOU are in this cartoon! (Can u spot the bot?) 👍
#TrumpRussia #ImpeachTrump #Muting

4. Our work is done. The thread is thriving and being supported by the algorithm. Last step? Optional muting. (I like a focused mentions feed and I’m now done having fun with that person. Don’t block, though, or they won’t see the video you lovingly sent them.)

Feel free to augment the tweet language as you see fit, but REMEMBER: calling them names or making severe sweeping statements (“GOP is the party of DEATH” “ReTHUGS want to DESTROY our country”) have no impact in spreading information and only reflect badly on all factions of the liberal movement (I have fallen short of my own standard in the past, but am getting better).

I know, I know – Some will accuse you of “spamming.” I find that funny since most of twitter is either promotion/selling (variations of spam) or one-sided pontifications (i.e. Blowhard Spamming™).

Remember. We only tweeted ONE response to The Dear Orange Leader. The rest of our tweets were in direct response to those going out of their way to respond to US. Most will contain insults. My response to those is this:

Copy/Paste this:
It's not spamming when you come to my door and insult me.
It's called prepackaged ass kickery. 😘

And then I mute them.

Of course, they all have the option of muting/blocking you if these videos with sourced info and humor “trigger” them and invades their “safe spaces.”

5. EXTRA CREDIT! This one is good to share the series of videos… More will be coming!

Copy/Paste this:
💥The #BreakingNews playlist:
👉🏼 >>> <<< 👈🏼
#TrumpRussia #TrumpResign #MAGA #satire #resist

Breaking Trump News


More to come!

There are now more episodes to this Breaking News! cartoon series and more will be added in the coming months, so check out Breaking News! to find that special video for just the right o-tweet-cassion…

There you have it, you anti-racist bullies and healthcare loving nut jobs! Follow these steps and, eventually, you, too, will be blocked!

Then you’ll have a lovely topic to bring up at that next Elitist Hollywood cocktail party/Burning Man drum circle… And you will have the satisfaction of knowing you may have irked The Supreme Cheeto (or his social media clean-up crew based in some sad Russian область.)