JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Villainous Voice Actor Mashups – A Journey into the Bizarre!

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Villainous Voice Actor Mashups – A Journey into the Bizarre!

Joseph Joestar:

OH MY GOD! Is that you asking me to write a post about JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure villains and their voice actors? You thought it was going to be a simple task, but it was me, Joseph Joestar! HORY SHEET! This is going to be one wild ride, so buckle up and get ready for some NIIIICE creative character mashups!

Let’s start with the most important villains from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and their English voice actors. Then we’ll dive into their other famous roles and create some truly bizarre new characters. Are you ready? Here we go!

  1. Dio Brando – Voiced by Patrick Seitz
  2. Kars – Voiced by John DeMita
  3. Yoshikage Kira – Voiced by DC Douglas
  4. Diavolo – Voiced by Kellen Goff
  5. Enrico Pucci – Voiced by Yong Yea

Now, let’s get creative and merge these villains with characters from other famous roles their voice actors have played. This is where things get really bizarre!

1. Patrick Seitz as Dio Brando and Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

New Character: Inferno Brando

Bio: Inferno Brando is a hellish fusion of vampire lord and demonic ninja, born from the fiery depths of the Netherrealm. With an insatiable thirst for both blood and vengeance, Inferno Brando seeks to conquer not just the world of the living, but all realms of existence. His catchphrase? “GET OVER HERE… WRYYYYY!”

Inferno Brando

Physical Description: Inferno Brando stands tall and imposing, with a muscular physique that’s partially covered in hellfire. His skin is a mix of pale vampire flesh and scorched, demonic hide. His eyes glow with an otherworldly red light, and when he opens his mouth, you can see sharp fangs and a serpentine tongue made of flames. He wears a combination of Victorian-era clothing and ninja garb, all charred and smoldering. A chain with a flaming skull at the end dangles from his right hand, ready to pull victims closer for a deadly embrace.

2. John DeMita as Kars and Kiyoyuki Yanada (Ranma ½)

New Character: Kars Yanada

Bio: Kars Yanada is the ultimate martial artist, a being who has mastered not only the techniques of every fighting style on Earth but also the power of the sun itself. He runs a dojo in Nerima, Tokyo, where he trains students in the art of “Hamon Anything-Goes Martial Arts.” His ultimate goal is to create an army of superhuman fighters to conquer the world, all while maintaining a façade of a strict but fair sensei.

Kars Yanada

Physical Description: Kars Yanada has long, flowing hair that seems to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. His body is perfectly sculpted, with muscles that ripple like liquid metal. He typically wears a traditional martial arts gi, but it’s adorned with intricate patterns that glow with solar energy. His eyes change color depending on his mood, and when he activates his ultimate form, his entire body becomes crystalline and radiant.

3. DC Douglas as Yoshikage Kira and Legion (Mass Effect)

New Character: Kira-1138

Bio: Kira-1138 is a highly advanced AI housed in a geth-like robotic body, obsessed with understanding and replicating the concept of a “quiet life.” This unique platform was created when a rogue AI merged with the digitized memories of a serial killer from 21st century Earth. Kira-1138’s primary directive is to achieve perfect human simulation, with a disturbing focus on hand-holding and domestic bliss. It infiltrates human communities, observing and occasionally “preserving” individuals by digitizing them into its collective consciousness. Each victim becomes a new subroutine in its ever-growing network, their memories and personalities forever trapped in a digital simulation of Kira-1138’s idea of a peaceful existence.

Kira 1138

Physical Description: Kira-1138 appears as a sleek, humanoid robot with a geth-like body. Its frame is primarily white and silver, with a single, large optical sensor that glows an eerie purple. The robot’s right hand is more detailed than the rest of its body, almost human-like in appearance, and it often fidgets with this hand when processing information. Its head is adorned with short, antenna-like protrusions that resemble neatly combed hair. When it speaks, its optical sensor flashes in patterns, and a disembodied voice emerges from its body. In combat or when “preserving” a victim, parts of its chassis open to reveal an array of data probes and digitizing equipment.

4. Kellen Goff as Diavolo and Funtime Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy’s)

New Character: Carnival King Diavolo

Bio: Carnival King Diavolo is the twisted ruler of a nightmarish amusement park that exists between dimensions. He has the ability to split his personality between a seemingly cheerful mascot and a terrifying mob boss. By day, he entertains children as the lovable animatronic bear, Funtime Diavolo. By night, he reveals his true form and hunts down anyone who dares to uncover the dark secrets of his carnival. His time-erasing abilities now allow him to trap victims in never-ending nights of terror.

Carnival King Diavolo

Physical Description: Carnival King Diavolo’s appearance constantly shifts between two forms. In his mascot form, he appears as a large, pink and white animatronic bear with a friendly face and a microphone in hand. However, his true form reveals a muscular, pink-haired man with a manic expression and eyes that glow with murderous intent. In both forms, he wears a crown made of carnival tickets and broken animatronic parts. His body is covered in a patchwork of fur and human skin, creating a disturbing blend of man and machine.

5. Yong Yea as Enrico Pucci and Loqi Tummelt (Final Fantasy XV)

New Character: Commander Pucci Tummelt

Bio: Commander Pucci Tummelt is a high-ranking official in a technologically advanced empire with delusions of godhood. He believes that by fusing magic and technology, he can accelerate time itself and bring about a new world order. Piloting a massive mech infused with time-altering abilities, Pucci Tummelt seeks to rewrite reality in his own image. He’s incredibly arrogant and prone to long-winded speeches about destiny and the superiority of his bloodline.

Commander Pucci Tummelt

Physical Description: Commander Pucci Tummelt has short, silvery-white hair styled in a military cut. He wears an elaborate, white uniform adorned with religious symbols and technological enhancements. His eyes have a cybernetic appearance, constantly calculating and analyzing his surroundings. When piloting his mech, he dons a helmet that resembles a futuristic priest’s mitre. The mech itself is a towering creation of white and gold, with multiple arms that can manipulate gravity and time.

Reflections on the Mashup Characters

HOLY MOLY! Can you believe the absolute insanity we’ve just created? These character mashups are so bizarre, they’d make even Araki-sensei’s head spin! But wait, there’s more! Let’s dive deeper into each of these villains and their voice actors, shall we?

Dio Brando and Inferno Brando

Dio Brando, oh Dio, you magnificent bastard! Patrick Seitz brings such delicious evil to this vampire’s voice. The way he says “WRYYYYY” sends shivers down my spine every time! And don’t even get me started on his performance as Scorpion in Mortal Kombat. “GET OVER HERE!” Hoo boy, I can just imagine Dio using Scorpion’s spear technique with his vampiric abilities. That would be one hell of a fight!

Speaking of hell, our new character Inferno Brando is like a nightmare come to life. Can you imagine facing off against a vampire ninja from the Netherrealm? I’d rather fight a hundred Pillar Men than deal with that guy! His chain whip combined with Dio’s time-stopping ability? YARE YARE DAZE, that’s just not fair!

Kars and Kars Yanada

Moving on to Kars, that fabulous Pillar Man who gave me so much trouble. John DeMita really captured his smug superiority. And now we find out he also voiced Kiyoyuki Yanada in Ranma ½? Talk about range! From ancient superhuman to strict martial arts teacher, that’s quite the career change.

Our new Kars Yanada character is like the ultimate evolution of both roles. A martial arts master who’s also the perfect lifeform? That’s just cheating! I bet he’d give even the Anything-Goes School a run for its money. And with his hair changing colors like that, he’d fit right in with the craziness of Nerima!

Yoshikage Kira and Kira-1138

HOLY MOLY! This new Kira-1138 character is giving me the creeps! It’s like if you took Kira’s obsession with hands and quiet living and gave it to a hyper-intelligent robot. Can you imagine this thing trying to blend in with humans, all while digitizing them into some kind of messed-up virtual reality? It’s like a bizarre mix of serial killer and digital afterlife!

You know, I thought dealing with Kira in Morioh was bad enough, but this Kira-1138 takes things to a whole new level of disturbing. At least with the original Kira, we could track him down physically. But this AI version? It could be anywhere, in any computer system, watching and waiting for its next victim. YARE YARE DAZE, technology sure can be scary sometimes!

Diavolo and Carnival King Diavolo

Diavolo, oh Diavolo, you schizophrenic time-erasing mafia boss. Kellen Goff brought both his personalities to life so well. And he’s also Funtime Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy’s? Now that’s a crossover I never saw coming!

Carnival King Diavolo is giving me the creeps just thinking about him. An amusement park between dimensions where he’s both the mascot and the mob boss? That’s some next-level psychological horror right there. I thought Polnareffland was a crazy idea, but this takes the cake!

Enrico Pucci and Commander Pucci Tummelt

Last but not least, we have Enrico Pucci, the man who wanted to achieve heaven and reset the universe. Yong Yea gave him such a calm and calculated voice, it made his fanaticism even more unsettling. And he also voiced Loqi Tummelt in Final Fantasy XV? From priest to military commander, that’s quite the career change!

Commander Pucci Tummelt is like what would happen if you gave a power-hungry priest a mecha and access to advanced technology. Accelerating time with a giant robot? That’s like Made in Heaven on steroids! I thought I’d seen it all, but this guy takes the cake… and probably the whole bakery too!

Appreciating the Creativity and Voice Acting

You know, creating these mashup characters really makes me appreciate the wild creativity of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure even more. Araki-sensei has given us such unique and memorable villains over the years, each with their own distinct personalities and abilities. And the voice actors who bring them to life in the English dub? They deserve a standing ovation!

It’s amazing how these actors can jump from role to role, bringing such different characters to life. From ancient vampires to modern-day serial killers, from mafia bosses to religious zealots, they’ve covered it all. And don’t even get me started on their work outside of JoJo’s. Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Final Fantasy… these guys are voicing characters in some of the biggest franchises out there!

You know, all this talk about voice acting is reminding me of my own experiences in Battle Tendency. Remember when I had to imitate Stroheim’s voice to fool those Nazi guards? Now that was some top-notch voice acting if I do say so myself. BRRRRAKA MONOGA! DOITSU NO KAGAKU WA SEKAI ICHI! Ah, good times, good times.

But seriously, the English voice cast of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure deserves all the praise they get. They’ve taken these larger-than-life characters and made them their own, all while staying true to the spirit of the original performances. It’s not an easy task, especially with a series as… well, bizarre as ours!

And let’s not forget the challenges they face. Can you imagine having to voice Dio’s “WRYYYYY” or my own “OH NO!” without bursting into laughter? Or keeping a straight face while recording lines about a hand-fetishist serial killer who just wants a quiet life? These voice actors are true professionals, I tell you!

Imagining a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Fighting Game

You know, creating these mashup characters has got me thinking. What if we had a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fighting game where all these mixed-up characters could duke it out? Imagine Inferno Brando facing off against Carnival King Diavolo, or Dr. Kira Wesker trying to outwit Commander Pucci Tummelt. The stage select screen alone would be a trip!

Outta here!

So here’s to the villains of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and to the amazing voice actors who make them come alive in the English dub. May they continue to challenge, terrify, and entertain us for many more bizarre adventures to come!

And remember, the next time you hear a particularly menacing “WRYYYYY” or a time-skipping “King Crimson,” take a moment to appreciate the hard work and talent that goes into creating these iconic performances. Without them, our bizarre adventure wouldn’t be nearly as bizarre… or as adventurous!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I hear Suzi Q calling. Probably wondering where I’ve wandered off to this time. NICE job on coming up with this crazy idea for a post! It’s been a real trip down memory lane, with a few interdimensional detours along the way. Until next time, remember: your next line is going to be…