I’m Not A Fat Disney Dad…

I’m Not A Fat Disney Dad…

I just play one on TV. On Disney’s “Dog With A Blog” to be precise.

Let me back track for a second. I was a fat guy. By December of 2011 I had reached 215 lbs of fat and complacency (late-night yogurt bliss). While on an island vacation it was pointed out to me that my belly was offering excellent shade to my feet. So I began a diet.

Three months later I was down to 186 and looking like the tall alien in “Close Encounters” when naked.

Then I booked a film that required me to look like a buff cop. I had 3 months! I hired back my lovely trainer and he did his best to whip me into shape. While filming “Helen Alone” in Texas, I booked “Apocalypse Kiss,” another film that required me to be in even better shape.

Back in LA my trainer said I needed to bulk up to 215 lbs to build a good base and then cut for the film (which would shoot in March 2013). In other words, I should’ve never lost that weight to begin with!

So bulk I did. Got up to 214 by December, 2012. And that’s when I booked a guest star on “Dog With A Blog!”

At this point, you may be asking what this post is really about.

Seriously? It’s a blog about me. EGO, BABY! I’m too vain NOT to blog about this!

I can’t show you my scenes without first defending the fact I look like an aging Pillsbury Dough Boy in this show!

My ego also demands you know that I went from this:

Dog With A Blog DC Douglas

To this 6 months later when I booked a guest star on another Disney show – “Kickin’ It!


All thanks to Charles F. Martinez (and “Transformers: Rescue Bots” residuals!)

Another way to explain it is to show you this R-Rated trailer featuring my butt:

(… I really hope there aren’t any kids who googled “Dog With A Blog” and landed here!)

Whew… See?  I don’t need a therapist!  I have a blog!

Now that I’ve sated my ego, let me tell you about my “Dog With A Blog experience!

It was great!

There’s actually a unique back story here, too. I was originally supposed to test for the father role when they were casting the pilot. It would’ve been my first series regular test in my career. But the producers decided to cast Regan Burns in the role since they had worked with him on a previous show (and because he’s hysterical).

So when I booked the guest spot, it was bittersweet. After a week on set, the bitter was completely gone. Regan was gracious and funny – and perfectly cast.

Regan’s onscreen wife, Beth Littleford (The Daily Show pioneer), was a blast to work with. I had met her back in the late 1990s when I was still editing actor reels on the side, so acting along side her had an additional kick of giddiness for me.

My onscreen wife was played by Keli Daniels. A lovely actress and person. She had an innate ability to immediately make me feel as though we had been friends for years. So open and kind.

All the child actors on the show are just amazing. But I have to single out G. Hannelius. This little lady is going to be a star. A natural comedienne and pro. I was in awe of her work ethic and timing.

Mick, who plays Stan The Dog, was not as impressive! In fact, most days consisted of hours centered around getting him to hit his mark.  Like working with an animal!

However, Stephen Full, who voices Stan, was remarkable. Not only does he stand just off camera on a mic and provide a dry, funny voice over performance, he also stands in for the dog!!! He gets on all fours and rehearses with the kids! My hats’ off to Stephen, both as an actor and as a voice over artist.

Overseeing our episode was director Shelley Jensen. Imagine your favorite uncle joking with you all day. That’s his directing style. Easy and breezy. His effortless guidance and orchestration comes from decades in the business – going all the way back to “Bosom Buddies!” It was an honor to work with him as briefly as I did.

Of course, the week went past faster than I wanted. But I do have my fat ass preserved on digital film for years to come – a cautionary tale about how TV adds 10lbs – making me 225lbs in that episode!  Okay, must stop writing.  I’m getting hungry.