Experian Hires SpongeBob & Albert Wesker

Experian Hires SpongeBob & Albert Wesker

I’m a whore for website clicks so I went with Albert Wesker, but Legion would be more fitting for these commercials!

A few weeks ago I had the great privilege to not only work with The Martin Agency again, but also to meet and work with the voice behind SpongeBob SquarePants – Tom Kenny!


Of course, Tom has a helluva resume that goes back to being a stand-up comedian in the 1980’s and a regular on “The Edge” and “Mr. Show.”

But it’s his SpongeBob that made me squeal and immediately fantasize about writing a quick blog post – to earn “cool” points with the tweeners.

Anyway, Here’s the first of (hopefully) several spots you will be seeing.

(And, yes, I really need to also credit Douglas Rain‘s HAL 9000 voice that I’m ripping off. Thank you, Douglas!)